Qt v4.8.0 + QtMobility v1.2.0 + QtWebkit v4.8.0 + Qt components v1.01(0) for S60v3 S60v5 S^3 Anna Belle Signed
The Qt 4.8 also includes beta maturity implementations of- Qt Quick 1.1 import QtQuick 1.1- Qt WebKit 2.2In the Qt 4.8 the focus has been quality and performance improvements, but also other new additional features have been included.1. Qt Platform Abstraction – to provide a clean abstraction layer for porting QtGui to new window systems. http://labs.qt.nokia.com/2011/05/31/...-grown-up-now/2. Threaded Open GL support http://labs.qt.nokia.com/2011/06/03/...opengl-in-4-8/3. Multithreaded HTTP4. Optimized file system access5. For Symbian especially: Native Symbian networking, Ipv6 and OpenGL Graphics, Symbian resource mgmt.6. New API’s: Localization API and IP multicast API.As previously mentioned, the Qt 4.8 includes a beta maturity version of Qt Quick 1.1, with the following improvements.1. Right-To-Left support2. Improved image caching3. Text input improvements – Support for split-screen virtual keyboard4. Pinch Area to provide a declarative API for handling touch input.
In the Archive include:
1.Qt 4.8.02.
Qt webkit v4.83.
Qtcomponents v1.01(0)4.
QtMobility 1.2.05.
Qtdowngrade, designed to uninstall libraries.
After installation, please restart the phone
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